Thursday 13 December 2012

Week 3 - Learning a new skill

Learning a new skill

Over the course of this module we are required to learn a new skill and demonstrate this new skill in our models. 

I am able to use various modelling and animating techniques, but i hope over the next few weeks to broaden my knowledge of 3DS Max by learning some new skills.

There are two skills i have a basic understanding of but i would like to develop them further and be able to produce some detailed models.

The first skill is using reference planes, where blueprints are imported onto a plane and the model is made using another plane, and changed to an editable poly so that the lines and vertices can be added to fit around the blueprints, this will give me more accurate and detailed airplanes.

I would also like to improve on my animating, by using path constraints and more challenging camera angles.

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