Monday, 17 December 2012

Personal Learning Profile

Over the last 12 weeks i have enjoyed modelling in 3DS Max but found it difficult working in a team and keeping to a  time schedule. In the next semester i need to keep my blog up to date so that my tutor can see the work that i have produced.

I found myself helping others use the software alot over the 12 weeks, which i didn't mind but it put me behind on my own work, such as models and blogs.

If we were to make the animation again, i would be more organised with the group and elect someone to be in charge to make sure all the models are done on time so that we don't fall behind.

Editing in Premier Pro


To edit the rendered targa scenes we gave all the scenes to owen to edit on premier pro as he has alot of experience with the software. He added filters to the scenes to make it look more like a projector,

Creating the Bomb scene

Bomb Scene

To create the bomb scene was fairly easy i imported the bomb from the A6M Zero and scaled it to fit the scene, i then added a curve line which i rotated 90 degress and placed it above one of the boats, i then attached the bomb to the line using path constraint and ticked follow. Using autokey i moved down the frame and rotated the bomb slightly so that i doesn't stay perfectly still when moving.

I then copied the line and moved it higher behind the first path and added a free camera to the line, using autokey i moved down the frames and moved the viewport so that the camera is always following the bomb.

Creating the calm scenes


These 3 scenes will be used at the beginning of the animation to show how calm the harbour is and to show that no one had any clue about the attack

This scene is a simple line and target camera attached on a path constraint, the camera then moves around the airfield.


The harbour scene is made in the same way as the airfield scene except i used a target camera pointed at the hospital, so the camera moves around that point.


I added a line and a target camera attached on a path constraint, the target is pointed at the middle plane, whilst the camera is moving it keeps the plane in the middle of the shot but give a nice pan scene.

Creating the torpedo scenes

Torpedo Scene 1

One of the scenes that i will be making is the torpedo scene where the torpedo is dropped from the B5N kate, and it then hurtles through the water into a boat.

To make the torpedo scene i firstly opened the animated B5N kate file, and used the curve editor to make the plane move as it's flying so that it's not perfectly still. I then set auto key and placed it on a loop. I then added a helix line stretched one end up and attached the plane to the line using path constraint, and ticking follow on the settings for the path constraint. I then used autokey and moved down the frame and rotating the plane at several intervals to make it look as if it's turning, once i had done this i added a target camera to the middle of the helix and attached the target to the plane so the the camera would follow the it.

I then added two more lines and added groups of planes on path constraints to the lines, so that as the plane turns there are planes flying past in the scene.

Torpedo Scene 2

I had to separate my scene into 5 parts, if i had done it all together it would have taken longer to render, instead i rendered over 5 computers.

To make the second scene i used a line and path constraint to have the plane moving towards the boat, i then added a second line and a free camera to it, but reducing the height to get a shot from the back of the plane. as the camera moves forward it passes the plane but moves towards the boat to show what the plane aiming for.

 Torpedo Scene 3

The third scene is another undercarriage shot, i used the same path constraint from scene 2, but move the camera higher so that the torpedo is visible with the rota blades moving. I had a few issue with the target camera on this scene as it kept speeding up and slowing down and wouldn't follow the plane from behind. I now realise that i needed to group the constraints before pressing play.

 Torpedo Scene 4

This was the most complex part of the scene as the torpedo would detach from the plane, so i had to delete the torpedo on the plane and import a new one but place it under the plane in the same place.  I then added a line and attached the torpedo to it, i also used autokey and moved down the frame and rotating the torpedo at the end, so when played back the torpedo twists into the water.

To make the plane fly away i used the same technique as the first scene, where i added a curved line, and attached the plane to the line using path constraint, using auto key i moved down the frames and tilted the plane at intervals.

The camera is on it's own path, i copied the line that the torpedo follows but moved it slightly behind it. I then attached a free camera to the line and moved the viewport to follow the torpedo into the water.

Torpedo Scene 5

The last scene i needed to compete is the particle spray as he torpedo moves towards the ship. i placed a line just out of the water. and added owen particle flow that owen had produced to save time. I then placed another line and moved it behind the torpedo to make it look as if the water is spraying,

Finally added a free camera to another line, which follows the torpedo into the ship, the torpedo doesn't hit the ship, when we edit in premier pro the scene will go black and you will hear the sound of an explosion.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Beginning to Animate

Animating the Propeller

When the planes are flying the propellers need to be going round to make it look realistic, i was originally going to use autokey for the movement but my tutor showed me a much easier way.

Firstly i selected and grouped the propellers and moved the pivot point to the center so the spin round on this point.

I then auto keyed one rotation of the propellers, and then right clicked and selected curve editor and clicked on parameter curve out of range types and added a loop.

All that i needed to do now is to add motion blur, by right clicking and selecting object properties and enabling motion blur.

Rendered Propeller test

I rendered two test scenes to make sure the propellers were rotating and the motion blur was working with the object.

The Environment

Re - Modelling the Environment 

Unfortunately i am now re-modelling the environment as we weren't happy with the way the original environment looked, as the airfield and harbour weren't modelled using the maps we researched at the start of this module.

I am using the previous bump texture and using soft selection to give the land a more of a gradient as the last land was flat with the water.

I then modelled the harbour with the picture i researched in week 1 which gave all the locations of the american vessels. I made basic low poly harbour and add a concrete material, i then copied the grass gradient from the airfield and place it around the harbour to form the land, and adding another plane with a concrete texture to cover the gap. I imported chrissys hospital and place it by the harbour so that i can be seen from the harbour calm scenes.

I am pleased with the end result of the environment, it was just unfortunate that i had to remodel it which put me behind on my own models and scenes.

Environment Renders


I added the daylight settings to the environment and changed the location to Honolulu, and the time of day to early morning. Annoyingly every time i rendered a scene the horizon kept showing a black line, so i researched online for an answer as nobody could help me, i found an answer, by changing the colour amount the horizon blends with the sky.